

October 27-29, 2021

Andy Rock, The Rock Law Group, P.A., Sara Raley, J.S. Held, and Paul Clark, J.S. Held, presented “Water Water Everywhere” at the PLRB Large Loss Conference.  Water claims are the most common claim made, and they implicate more litigation than any other single area.  What can you do to makes good decision and support it […]

September 03, 2021

On July 1, 2021, Senate Bill 76 went into effect. It creates Florida Statute 627.70152, which applies to first-party property insurance claims, and expands Florida Statute 627.70132 to create a strict notice requirement prior to filing a lawsuit. Lawsuits arising from a property insurance policy now have a notice requirement. Prior to filing a lawsuit, […]

Florida Claims Defense Network (FCDN) Conf.
October 17, 2019

Andy Rock presented “Application Fraud & Misrepresentation: No Deal!” which addressed everything you’ll ever need to know about detecting and preventing application fraud.  They discussed the applicable laws, practices, and methods of operation relative to those who commit fraud. The presentation took place in Orlando, FL.

Sunshine State Conference
May 15, 2019

Andy Rock presented “Top 10 Legal Trends”.  This workshop discussed being on the cutting edge of emerging trends in Florida insurance law, including House Counsel/Panel Counsel, Cybersecurity, and E-Discovery & Cloud.  This conference was held in Atlantic Beach, FL.

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